Sample Tenancy Agreement for Lodgers

When it comes to renting out a room in your home, it’s important to have a tenancy agreement in place to protect both yourself and your lodger. A tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you and your lodger outlining the terms of their stay in your home.

Here’s a sample tenancy agreement for lodgers to give you an idea of what should be included:

Parties Involved

The agreement should start by naming the parties involved, which in this case will be the landlord (you) and the lodger.

Property Address

The address of the property being rented out should be clearly stated.

Term of Agreement

The start and end date of the tenancy should be included, along with any conditions for renewal or extension of the agreement.


The amount of rent to be paid, and how often it should be paid (weekly or monthly) should be clearly stated. Any penalties for late payments or bounced checks should also be included.


The amount of the deposit to be paid by the lodger should be stated, along with conditions for its return at the end of the tenancy.

Bills and Utilities

The agreement should specify which bills and utilities are included in the rent, and which will be the responsibility of the lodger to pay separately.

Use of Property

The agreement should outline the rules for using the property, including any restrictions on noise, guests, or smoking.


The terms for ending the tenancy, including notice periods and conditions for eviction, should be clearly stated.


The agreement should be signed by both the landlord and lodger to make it legally binding.

It’s important to note that a tenancy agreement for lodgers is not the same as a tenancy agreement for tenants. Lodgers are not considered tenants, but rather licensees, meaning they have limited rights to the property and are subject to the rules set out in the agreement.

Having a clear and comprehensive tenancy agreement in place is essential for the smooth running of a lodger arrangement. By using this sample agreement as a starting point, you can ensure that both yourself and your lodger are protected from any potential issues that may arise during their stay in your home.

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